General Information About Our Practice

Booking Process and follow up

  • Bookings can be made as follows :
    On-line booking system
    Can WhatsApp request for an appointment (069 239 7777)
    Phoning (069 239 7777).
  • I do not have a secretary therefore the preferred method of booking an appointment and for a follow up appointments is via an on-line booking system.
  • After booking an appointment, you will receive an email confirming your appointment, the email will include a patient registration form for you to complete.
  • Please complete the online patient registration form when booking an appointment
  • Cancellation policy : All appointments that are booked must be cancelled more than 6 hours before the booked time, or the appointment will be charged for in full.
  • No scripts will be repeated after 6 months without an appointment for a check up and review of chronic medication.
  • Any queries or request for repeat scripts can be emailed to;
  • Results take a minimum of 7 days to be resulted on and sent out.


  • We offer Discovery Medical Aid rates hence if you are on Discovery Medical Aid and have the funds no upfront payments will be required.
  •  For other Medical Aids, the full fees are payable directly to the practice on the day of service or prior to booking in the case of tele consults/ on-line consults where payment is made at the time of booking the appointment.
  • We are a cashless practice; all payments are requested to be made via credit or debit card please.
  • We are a cashless practice, all payments are requested to be made via credit or debit card please.
  • The full fees are payable directly to the practice on the day of service or prior to booking in the case of teleconsults/ on-line consults where payment is made at the time of booking the appointment.
  • This amount can then be claimed back from medical aid, if appropriate. This is not the responsibility of the practice.
  • Special investigations performed during the consultation and administrative tasks (such as; repeat prescriptions, completion of chronic medication application forms, special motivation letters or medical reports) are not included in the consultation fee and will be charged extra.


Our practice values and respects our patient’s rights to data privacy and want to reassure you that our practice is committed to ensuring the security and protection of the personal information that we process in line with the requirements stipulated in The Protection of Personal information Act (POPIA).