Corporate Wellness
“Boost productivity and well-being in the work-place”
“Where work and wellness meet”
Where Work and Wellness Meet
We are here to assist you with your medical care needs, whether you require basic healthcare services for your staff or health checkups as well as corporate wellness events. Our health services for corporations can be conducted on-site or at our Sea Point location, depending on your preference.
Negotiated rates can be arranged for staff packages on select days of the week.
Contact us to set up customised packages to suit your staff needs.
1) Corporate wellness check-up/health screening
Assessment for Hypertension (Blood pressure)
Assessing for Diabetes (Blood sugar)
Detailed physical examination
Blood tests (Cholesterol, HIV, Thyroid, Kidney function etc)
STD screening
Urine analysis
Bowel cancer screening test (from age 45 yrs)
Women specific : Cervical smear and HPV screening
Pelvic examination
Breast examination and demonstration on how to examine your own breast
Referral for Mammogram if indicated
Men specific : Screening blood test (PSA) to assess the prostate
2) General Medical Care
Acute illness management
Ongoing care for chronic conditions
Women’s Health services
Men’s Health
Disease prevention
HIV care
Mental health care, including management of anxiety and depression with referral to psychologist/psychiatrist
Pap smears
STI screening
Blood tests
PREP/PEP (pre and post exposure prophylaxis)
Telephonic/ virtual consultations
Radiology referrals (X-ray, Ultrasound, Mammogram, Bone Mass Density)
Cancer screening
Repeat Prescriptions
Cryotherapy (wart freezing)
Insurance Medicals
Visa/ Department of Home Affairs Medicals
Completion of PDP forms
Our Services